Hello all--before I opened the floodgates for the trolls with my last post, I'd left you all with the Recap of December, 2011. Lemme now get on with it and move onto January 2012. [Let's hope the life-challenged losers find hobbies--though it is fun laughing at their rather pathetic comments once in a while].

On the first of Jan, we woke up early as we had a morning flight to Chennai, from where we'd then head onto Colombo. Things were going well, I was all packed and ready to go, so I decided to do a final check of the tickets and make sure everything was in order.

Well, to make a long story short, things were not in order at all. Turns out I'd booked my cousin's Chennai to Colombo ticket for 1:30...which, in airplane time, means 1:30 am. Which meant that her flight had already left Chennai for Colombo 6 hours ago.

Unfortunately, it was a return ticket for Jet Airways and the entire thing had to be canceled. Luckily though, we were able to book her another ticket immediately and the loss only came up to about $150.00 USD. I was seriously worried there for a second because booking these last minute tickets for holiday destinations, during peak holiday season, could result in thousand dollar tickets!

The Chennai International Airport

Airports that I've seen in India are brand new--in fact, they come under some of the world's best airports. Even if they're not the best of the best, they're a damn sight better than most of the airports in North America or Europe [most of whom are old and falling apart]. And the bathrooms have attendants in them who clean up regularly--brand new, clean bathrooms, win! All except for the Chennai airport, which is pretty run down. There are also no restaurants inside the airport, even the international terminal, and some of the bathrooms are, like, holes in the ground [no kidding].

So anyway, I was all ready for my beach vacation and wedding in Sri Lanka so I was wearing shorts and a sleeveless top. Now, in Hyderabad, no one cares what you're wearing--you see women in shorts and tank tops and you see women in full-on burquas. In any case, the city has always struck me as a 'live and let live' kind of place.

Chennai, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be that way. In fact, people in the international airport may stare at you, mouth fully open [this is men and women mind you]. And while 32 degrees C may be perfect weather for shorts and a tank top for you, the locals may feel like they're in minus 32 degrees C weather, and they may be wearing super-heavy coats, woolen scarves, hats, and even gloves.

Sri Lanka

We spent a night partying [though I went to sleep early] at the Cinnamon Grand in Colombo--nice hotel, but one of our friends got really bad food poisoning there so I'm not so sure about recommending the place. Their Christmas decor was quite nice though!

Lovely beach--Galle

For the next two days we went to Galle--which is an hour or so south of Colombo [as long as you take the new highway, which is awesome]. Beautiful place--in fact, the word beautiful doesn't do it justice. Pristine beaches [more pristine than Hawaii--beat that!], lovely blue water, amazing food.

We stayed in what's possibly one of the most beautiful houses I've ever seen. Very modern [nothing shiny and gaudy], clean lines, and very open--you know the phrase 'one with nature?' Well, this house owned it!

View from the room in which we were staying
After Galle we headed to Colombo to prepare for the wedding :)

Pre-wedding night decor

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