So 2014 has hit and I'm back to all the same resolutions:

1. lose weight. seriously. I'm like almost a hundred and twenty pounds--that's the fattest I've ever been in all of my life (and I've lost a hell of a lot of muscle mass way back when so I know that most of the weight is fat).

I went into American Eagle and tried on jeans--and I'm now a HEALTHY size four. American size four, as in a SIZE HUNDRED in the rest of the world. I suppose the good thing is that I wasn't a size six. Then I'd just have to kill myself with a plastic hanger in the AE dressing room.

2. be less scared and more positive and happier with day to day life--not that that's going to be easy. Especially considering that the almost 5 foot platform I was on, within two minutes of the New Years countdown came crashing down and I burnt my foot on a sparkler and have a massive bruise on my thigh (that literally covers my entire upper thigh). Seriously--you're in this supposedly VIP party in a country that's not India and the whole thing comes down with you on it? What are the odds?

So what was supposed to be a great Sri Lanka trip was exactly this--horrible burn and bruise on New Years, followed by god awful antibiotics and being dazed and confused for a few days. You can read more about the platform collapse lt;heregt;.

I suppose it's a good thing that none of us was really hurt--there were people there with broken legs, noses, arms etc.

3. learn how to do good eye makeup for once and for all--seriously. I'm so making this my mission.

4. cook. My mom cooked some amazing stuff when I was in the US. My whole dream of dining in every chain restaurant to eat fatty foods got canceled (good thing because I ate like 6 (maybe 7 or 8) whole slabs of cheese at home, imagine how much fatter I would have gotten if I ate in chain restaurants as well) because the food at home was soooooo good.

And kale--can I just say that I found kale chips amazing? I know there're so many kale jokes in the internet, but I looooved home made kale chips.

5. see the nicer side to things. I have no idea how I'm going to do this considering that I'm the most pessimistic (aka realistic) person I've ever met on the planet, but I seriously have to start seeing the positive side to things. Including filthy places full of pigs, desperately poverty stricken people, dengue, mangy stray dogs and clueless rich people---whoops, did I just describe Delhi/NCR? Oh well, I've been trying to do just that for the last three years.

Those are my resolutions--hopefully I'll keep them this time around.

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