It feels really strange being back in reality! Had a pretty crazy last two months with my parents visiting, wedding preparations, visiting Hyderabad, visiting Sri Lanka after that, and then finally Bali for the 'post wedding trip.' And then heading to Mumbai right afterwards! ...and now finally back to Delhi. We also had a near-death experience on the way to Bali--our flight from Colombo to Jakarta plummeted and didn't start picking up for a while! Definitely the scariest thing that's ever happened to me on a plane and I've been on a plane that got struck by lightening! [will write more on the experience later]. Make sure you never fly Mihin Lanka airlines ever.

It was my birthday yesterday :) and I got an iphone

Very interesting pool @ The Fortress Hotel in Galle

Decor for the pre-wedding night

Arch for the pre-wedding night

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